Full Wave Inversion¶
This tutorial shows how to developa (very idealized) Full Waveform Inversion algorithms with jwave
. To highlight the ability of customizing the inversion algorithm, we'll add a smoothing step to the gradient computation before performing the gradient descent step with the Adam optimizer.
Setup simulation¶
Let's start by importing the required modules
⚠️ Run the next cell cell if you don't have tqdm
!pip install tqdm
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /home/astanziola/repos/jwave/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages (4.64.1)
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from jax import grad, jit, lax, nn
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax import random, value_and_grad, vmap
from jax.example_libraries import optimizers
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from jwave import FourierSeries
from jwave.acoustics import simulate_wave_propagation
from jwave.geometry import (
from jwave.signal_processing import apply_ramp, gaussian_window, smooth
The first step is to define the simulation settings, from the geometrical properties of the domain to the sources and receivers.
# Settings
N = (256, 256)
dx = (0.1e-3, 0.1e-3)
cfl = 0.25
num_sources = 64
source_freq = 1e6
source_mag = 1.3e-5
random_seed = random.PRNGKey(42)
# Define domain
domain = Domain(N, dx)
# Define medium
sound_speed = jnp.ones(N)
circle_1 = circ_mask(N, 16, (100, 100))
circle_2 = circ_mask(N, 20, (165, 128))
circle_3 = circ_mask(N, 40, (130, 130))
sound_speed = sound_speed + 0.05 * circle_1 + 0.02 * circle_2 + 0.03 * circle_3
sound_speed = sound_speed * 1480
sound_speed = FourierSeries(jnp.expand_dims(sound_speed, -1), domain)
medium = Medium(domain=domain, sound_speed=sound_speed, pml_size=20.0)
# Time axis
time_axis = TimeAxis.from_medium(medium, cfl=cfl)
# Sources
source_mag = source_mag / time_axis.dt
t = time_axis.to_array()
s1 = source_mag * jnp.sin(2 * jnp.pi * source_freq * t)
signal = gaussian_window(apply_ramp(s1, time_axis.dt, source_freq), t, 3e-6, 1.2e-6)
x, y = points_on_circle(num_sources, 100, (128, 128))
source_positions = (jnp.array(x), jnp.array(y))
# Sensors
sensors_positions = (x, y)
sensors = Sensors(positions=sensors_positions)
No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
Let's visualize the simulation settings to get a better understanding of the setup:
# Show simulation setup
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 4), gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [1, 2]})
ax[0].imshow(medium.sound_speed.on_grid, cmap="gray")
source_positions[1], source_positions[0], c="r", marker="x", label="sources"
sensors_positions[1], sensors_positions[0], c="g", marker=".", label="sensors"
ax[0].legend(loc="lower right")
ax[0].set_title("Sound speed")
ax[1].plot(signal, label="Source 1", c="k")
ax[1].set_title("Source signals")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Source signals')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f08c4776110>
Run the simulation¶
At this point, we can finally use the simulate_wave_propagation
to compute the wave propagation, with the given sound speed map and a pulse transmitted from the requested sensor.
src_signal = jnp.stack([signal])
# We can compile the entire function! All the constructors
# that don't depend on the inputs will be statically compiled
# and run only once.
def single_source_simulation(sound_speed, source_num):
# Setting source
x = lax.dynamic_slice(source_positions[0], (source_num,), (1,))
y = lax.dynamic_slice(source_positions[1], (source_num,), (1,))
sources = Sources((x, y), src_signal, dt=time_axis.dt, domain=domain)
# Updating medium with the input speed of sound map
medium = Medium(domain=domain, sound_speed=sound_speed, pml_size=20)
# Run simulations
rf_signals = simulate_wave_propagation(
medium, time_axis, sources=sources, sensors=sensors, checkpoint=True
return rf_signals[..., 0]
p = single_source_simulation(medium.sound_speed, 20)
# Visualize the acoustic traces
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4.5))
maxval = jnp.amax(jnp.abs(p))
p, cmap="RdBu_r", vmin=-1, vmax=1, interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto"
plt.title("Acoustic traces")
plt.xlabel("Sensor index")
single_source_simulation(medium.sound_speed, 1).block_until_ready()
268 ms ± 195 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Because we can apply arbitrary function transformations on the simulation code, we can use vmap
to efficiently parallelize the simulation for all sources. We'll use it as a fast method to generate all the snapshots used as data.
batch_simulations = vmap(single_source_simulation, in_axes=(None, 0))
p_data = batch_simulations(medium.sound_speed, jnp.arange(num_sources))
print(f"Size of data [Source idx, Time, Sensor idx]: {p_data.shape}")
Size of data [Source idx, Time, Sensor idx]: (64, 1558, 64)
Note that the execution time is smaller than 32$\times$ the single source simulation runtime
batch_simulations(medium.sound_speed, jnp.arange(num_sources)).block_until_ready()
6.57 s ± 1.16 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
At last, let's add some coloured noise to the data that we'll use for inversion.
p_data = batch_simulations(medium.sound_speed, jnp.arange(num_sources))
noise = np.random.normal(size=p_data.shape) * 0.2
noise = jnp.fft.fft(noise, axis=1)
#noise = noise.at[:, 100:-100].set(0.0)
noise = jnp.fft.ifft(noise, axis=1).real
p_data = p_data + noise
plt.plot(p_data[12, :, 0])
plt.title("Example of noisy traces")
Define the optimization problem¶
We'll let autodiff
generate the full wave inversion algorithm. To do so, we need to specify a forward model that maps the speed of sound map to the acoustic data.
While this has already be done in the previous cells of this notebook, we'll wrap it around a new function used to reparametrize the speed of sound map. This is done because the forward simulation is unstable for speed of sound values below a certain treshold $T$. To make sure that such maps are not in the range of the inversion algorithm, the speed of sound map is parametrized as $$ c = T + \text{sigmoid}(c') $$
Also, we'll mask the pixels outside the circle defined by the sensors, since we know that the only unknowns are the pixel values inside of it.
Lastly, we also define a handy initialization function that defines a over-smoothed version of the true sound speed map as initial guess
from jaxdf.operators import compose
mask = circ_mask(domain.N, 80, (128, 128))
mask = FourierSeries(jnp.expand_dims(mask, -1), domain)
def get_sound_speed(params):
return 1480.0 + 150.0*compose(params)(nn.sigmoid) * mask
params = medium.sound_speed * 0.0 - 4
Lastly, let's define the loss function. We'll use the standard MSE loss on the residual. We then use the decorator value_and_grad
to transform the function into one that returns the original output and the gradient with respect to the first input
from jwave.signal_processing import analytic_signal
from jaxdf.operators import gradient, functional
def hilbert_transf(signal, noise=0.2):
x = jnp.abs(analytic_signal(signal))
return x
def loss_func(params, source_num):
c0 = get_sound_speed(params)
p = single_source_simulation(c0, source_num)
data = p_data[source_num]
return jnp.mean(jnp.abs(hilbert_transf(p) -hilbert_transf(data)) ** 2)
loss_with_grad = value_and_grad(loss_func, argnums=0)
Let's visualize an example of the speed of sound gradient for a given source
plt.plot(hilbert_transf(p_data[12, :, 0]))
plt.plot(p_data[12, :, 0])
def smooth_fun(gradient):
x = gradient.on_grid[..., 0]
for _ in range(3):
x = smooth(x)
return gradient.replace_params(jnp.expand_dims(x, -1))*6
loss, gradient = loss_with_grad(params, source_num=10)
gradient = smooth_fun(gradient)
# Viualize
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.imshow(gradient.on_grid, cmap="RdBu_r", vmin=-0.0003, vmax=0.0003)
plt.title("Smoothed gradient")
Minimize the objective function¶
Equipped with a function that calculates the correct gradients, we can finally run the FWI algorithm by randomly looping trough the sources and update the speed of sound estimate.
Following the spirit of JAX
, all that is needed to do is to write an update
function that calculates the gradients and applies a step of the optimization algorithm (but we could have used full batch methods, such as BFGS). In this function, we'll also smooth the gradients: this is not necessarily a smart thing to do, but we use it here to highlight how the user can customize any step of the algorithms developed using jwave
losshistory = []
reconstructions = []
num_steps = 100
# Define optimizer
init_fun, update_fun, get_params = optimizers.adam(0.1, 0.9, 0.9)
opt_state = init_fun(params)
# Define and compile the update function
def update(opt_state, key, k):
v = get_params(opt_state)
src_num = random.choice(key, num_sources)
lossval, gradient = loss_with_grad(v, src_num)
gradient = smooth_fun(gradient)
return lossval, update_fun(k, gradient, opt_state)
# Main loop
pbar = tqdm(range(num_steps))
_, key = random.split(random_seed)
for k in pbar:
_, key = random.split(key)
lossval, opt_state = update(opt_state, key, k)
## For logging
new_params = get_params(opt_state)
pbar.set_description("Loss: {}".format(lossval))
Loss: 0.049446240067481995: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [01:48<00:00, 1.09s/it]
Finally, let's look at the reconstructed image and its evolution during the optimization
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredSizeBar
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
sos_original = get_sound_speed(params).on_grid
true_sos = sound_speed.on_grid
vmin = np.amin(true_sos)
vmax = np.amax(true_sos)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(10, 5.5))
k = 0
recs = [24, 39, 69, 99]
for row in range(2):
for col in range(4):
if k == 0:
axes[row, col].imshow(true_sos, cmap="inferno", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
axes[row, col].scatter(
axes[row, col].legend(loc="lower right")
axes[row, col].set_title("True speed of sound")
axes[row, col].set_axis_off()
elif k == 1:
im_original = axes[row, col].imshow(sos_original, cmap="inferno", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
axes[row, col].set_axis_off()
axes[row, col].set_title("Initial guess")
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.53, 0.54, 0.01, 0.385])
cbar = plt.colorbar(im_original, cax=cbar_ax)
cbar.ax.get_yaxis().labelpad = 15
cbar.ax.set_ylabel('m/s', rotation=270)
elif k == 2:
axes[row, col].set_axis_off()
elif k == 3:
axes[row, col].plot(losshistory)
axes[row, col].set_title("Loss")
#axes[row, col].set_xticks([], [])
axes[row, col].margins(x=0)
axes[row, col].imshow(reconstructions[recs[k - 4]], cmap="inferno", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
axes[row, col].set_axis_off()
axes[row, col].set_title("Step {}".format(recs[k - 4] + 1))
k += 1
# Scale bar
fontprops = fm.FontProperties(size=12)
scalebar = AnchoredSizeBar(
axes[-1, -1].transData,
100, '1 cm', 'lower right',
axes[-1, -1].add_artist(scalebar)
/tmp/ipykernel_861312/10384555.py:58: UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so results might be incorrect. fig.tight_layout()
This notebook is only intended to highlight the ability to take gradients using a discretize-then-optimize approach (see also [Burstedde 2009], [Guidio 2021] and [Rackauckas 2021].
We are also guilty of committing the inverse crime, since the same simulator has been used to both generate the data and inverting them.