3D simulations¶
Running 3D simulations simply requires to append an extra dimension to all parameters.
In [1]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from jwave.geometry import Domain
from jwave.utils import show_field, show_positive_field
N, dx = (64, 64, 64), (0.1e-3, 0.1e-3, 0.1e-3)
domain = Domain(N, dx)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from jwave.geometry import Domain
from jwave.utils import show_field, show_positive_field
N, dx = (64, 64, 64), (0.1e-3, 0.1e-3, 0.1e-3)
domain = Domain(N, dx)
In [2]:
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jwave.geometry import Medium, Sensors, TimeAxis, fibonacci_sphere, sphere_mask
medium = Medium(domain=domain, sound_speed=1500.0)
time_axis = TimeAxis.from_medium(medium, cfl=0.3)
output_time_axis = TimeAxis(time_axis.dt * 20, time_axis.t_end // 2)
# sensors
num_sensors = 64
x, y, z = fibonacci_sphere(num_sensors, 20, (32, 32, 32))
sensors_positions = (jnp.array(x), jnp.array(y), jnp.array(z))
sensors = Sensors(positions=sensors_positions)
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jwave.geometry import Medium, Sensors, TimeAxis, fibonacci_sphere, sphere_mask
medium = Medium(domain=domain, sound_speed=1500.0)
time_axis = TimeAxis.from_medium(medium, cfl=0.3)
output_time_axis = TimeAxis(time_axis.dt * 20, time_axis.t_end // 2)
# sensors
num_sensors = 64
x, y, z = fibonacci_sphere(num_sensors, 20, (32, 32, 32))
sensors_positions = (jnp.array(x), jnp.array(y), jnp.array(z))
sensors = Sensors(positions=sensors_positions)
No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
In [3]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
ax.scatter(x, y, z, marker="o", color="black")
ax.set_title("Sensor locations")
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
ax.scatter(x, y, z, marker="o", color="black")
ax.set_title("Sensor locations")
Text(0.5, 0.92, 'Sensor locations')
In [4]:
from jwave import FourierSeries
from jwave.utils import show_field
# Initial pressure is a sphere
p0 = jnp.zeros(domain.N)
p0 = (
sphere_mask(domain.N, 5, (32, 36, 36)) * 1.0
+ sphere_mask(domain.N, 8, (32, 30, 30)) * 0.5
p0 = jnp.expand_dims(p0, -1)
p0 = FourierSeries(p0, domain)
p0_slice = p0.on_grid[32]
show_field(p0_slice, "Section of the initial pressure")
from jwave import FourierSeries
from jwave.utils import show_field
# Initial pressure is a sphere
p0 = jnp.zeros(domain.N)
p0 = (
sphere_mask(domain.N, 5, (32, 36, 36)) * 1.0
+ sphere_mask(domain.N, 8, (32, 30, 30)) * 0.5
p0 = jnp.expand_dims(p0, -1)
p0 = FourierSeries(p0, domain)
p0_slice = p0.on_grid[32]
show_field(p0_slice, "Section of the initial pressure")
In [5]:
from jax import jit
from jwave.acoustics import simulate_wave_propagation
def compiled_simulator(p0):
return simulate_wave_propagation(medium, time_axis, p0=p0, sensors=sensors)
from jax import jit
from jwave.acoustics import simulate_wave_propagation
def compiled_simulator(p0):
return simulate_wave_propagation(medium, time_axis, p0=p0, sensors=sensors)
In [6]:
pressure = compiled_simulator(p0)
pressure = compiled_simulator(p0)
In [7]:
plt.imshow(pressure[..., 0].T, aspect="auto", cmap="RdBu", vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1)
plt.title("Sensors traces")
plt.imshow(pressure[..., 0].T, aspect="auto", cmap="RdBu", vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1)
plt.title("Sensors traces")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Sensors traces')
In [8]:
plt.plot(pressure[:, 10])
plt.plot(pressure[:, 10])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f221441e890>]
In [ ]: