For using jwave
, you need to be familiar with jax
and the package jaxdf
. This page provides a quick introduction to allow you to get started with running simulations.
jax is a Python library for machine learning and scientific computing, on which jwave
is based. To learn how to use jax
, please refer to this guide. For our purposes, the two main features of jax
that one needs to keep in mind for using jwave
1. jax
is a drop-in replacement for numpy
Writing functions that operate on arrays in jax
is extremely similar to doing it in NumPy. For example, we can write a function that calculates a polynomial function of the input and apply it to an array
from jax import numpy as jnp
def f(x, y, a=1.,b=1.):
return a*(x**2) + b*y
# Testing function
x = 2.
y = 3.
z = f(x, y, 3.,2.)
print(f"(x,y) = {[x,y]}\tf(x,y) = {z}")
(x,y) = [2.0, 3.0] f(x,y) = 18.0
However, some operations, like in-place updates of arrays, are not permitted. For more details on this, see the Sharp Bits section of the jax
2. jax
power comes from function transformations.¶
One of the main features of jax
is function transformations. It is a concept that may be unfamiliar, especially for users coming from MATLAB (a related concept is function handles).
The fundamental idea is to have special functions (from now on called function transformations or high-order functions) that take a function as input and return a function ad output. They are also related to the concept of python decorator.
To make things concrete, an example of function transformation (say $\mathcal{T}$) is one that transform a generic $f(x,y)$ by swapping the $x$ and $y$, yelding the new function $T(f)(x,y) = g(x,y) = f(y,x)$.
def swap_coordinates(f):
def g(x, y, *args, **kwargs):
return f(y, x, *args, **kwargs)
return g
# Gets the new function
f_swapped = swap_coordinates(f)
# Evaluates the new function
w = f_swapped(x, y, 3., 2.)
print(f"(x,y) = {[x,y]}\t f(x,y) = {z}")
print(f"(x,y) = {[x,y]}\tg(x,y) = f(y,x) = {w}")
(x,y) = [2.0, 3.0] f(x,y) = 18.0 (x,y) = [2.0, 3.0] g(x,y) = f(y,x) = 31.0
comes equipped with many transformations that are useful for machine learning research. One of those transformations is jax.grad
, which applies the gradient operator to a function with a scalar output.
import jax
# Gets the gradient function
grad_f = jax.grad(f, argnums=(0,1))
# Evaluates the new function
x = 2.
y = 4.
z = f(x, y, 3., 2.)
x_prime, y_prime = grad_f(x, y, 3., 2.)
print(f"(x,y) = {[x,y]}\tf(x,y) = {z} \tf'(x,y) = {[str(x_prime), str(y_prime)]}")
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
(x,y) = [2.0, 4.0] f(x,y) = 20.0 f'(x,y) = ['12.0', '2.0']
Another important function transformation is jax.jit
, which returns a version of the function optimized and compiled for the user hardware
def complex_fun(x):
y = jnp.sqrt((x+1)**2)
z = jnp.sin(x*3 + x**2 + 1)
return jnp.sum(z*y + y)
# Gets the compiled function
f_jit = jax.jit(complex_fun)
# Evaluates the new function
x = jnp.ones((10000,10000));
z = complex_fun(x)
z_jit = f_jit(x) # The function is compiled at its first call
%timeit complex_fun(x)
793 ms ± 818 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit f_jit(x).block_until_ready()
242 ms ± 887 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Objects are variables that contain the numerical data used during the simulations. They are often defined as classes registered to the JAX compiler as a custom PyTree node, meaning that they can be passed to functions in the same way as jax.numpy
arrays, and they can be initialized within a function.
One example is the Domain
class from jwave.geometry
, which defines the domain where the simulation takes place.
from jwave.geometry import Domain
domain = Domain(N=(65,65), dx=(1., 1.))
Domain(N=(65, 65), dx=(1.0, 1.0))
Other objects are defined as Field
subclasses from jaxdf
. A Field
, in a nutshell, consists of parameters and a representation (or discretization), associated with a domain. For example, the following defines a truncated Fourier Series, for which the value in $(0,0)$ is 1.
from jwave.geometry import FourierSeries
params = jnp.zeros(domain.N)
params =[32,32].set(1.0)
u = FourierSeries(params, domain)
We can visualize this field on the grid
from jwave.utils import show_field
Or query the field at a specific point in space
x = jnp.asarray([0., 0.])
We can also use the latter callable to visualize the underlying discretization, i.e. the bandlimited interpolant, by querying the field at values outside the grid nodes. Here we are usign the vmap function transformation, to efficiently query the field at multiple points.
field_on_plane = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(u))
x = jnp.linspace(-2, 5, 100)
X, Y = jnp.meshgrid(x,x)
coords = jnp.stack([X,Y], -1)
z = field_on_plane(coords).real[...,0]
Lastly, there are operators that can be applied to Field
objects. Operators are objects that represent some mathematical operator on functions, such as the gradient or the Helmholtz equation, whose numerical implementation depends on the input discretization. They return functions and they can be used inside a function to be transformed using jax
from jaxdf.operators import laplacian
params = jnp.zeros(domain.N)
params =[32:46,25:58].set(1.0)
u = FourierSeries(params, domain)
v = laplacian(u)
# It is still a Field, so it can be visualized it at higher resolutions
# using the same method as before
field_on_plane = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(v))
x = jnp.linspace(-32, 32, 200)
X, Y = jnp.meshgrid(x,x)
coords = jnp.stack([X,Y], -1)
z = field_on_plane(coords).real[...,0]
z = jnp.fliplr(jnp.fliplr(z).T)
Running a simulation¶
Knowing how to use jax
and the jaxdf
objects from jaxdf
, you can run your first simulation by following the next tutorial.