Helmholtz problem¶
This example notebook shows how to setup and solve the time-harmonic acoustic propagation problem, which is governed by the Helmholtz equation.
The Helmholtz equation is given by Fourier transforming the wave equation in the temporal domain, which gives
$$ \left(\nabla +\frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\right)\phi = i \omega S_M, $$
with $P, S_M \in C^{2}(\mathbb{C})$.
In jwave
, the Helmholtz equation solved also takes into account heterogeneous absorption and density, and it is given as
\left(\frac{\omega^2}{c_0^2} + \nabla^2 - \frac{1}{\rho_0} \nabla \rho_0 \cdot \nabla + \frac{2i\omega^3\alpha_0}{c_0} \right)P = i \omega S_M
- $\omega =2\pi f_0$ is the angular frequency, and $f_0$ is the frequency of the wave
- $\rho_0$ is the material density
- $\alpha_0$ is the attenuation coefficient
- $S_M$ is the mass source term
Before running the simulation, we'll import the necessary modules and utility functions
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from jax import jit
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from jwave import FiniteDifferences, FourierSeries
from jwave.geometry import Domain, Medium, circ_mask
from jwave.utils import display_complex_field, show_positive_field
key = random.PRNGKey(42) # Random seed
# Defining geometry
N = (128, 256) # Grid size
dx = (0.001, 0.001) # Spatial resolution
omega = 1.5e6 # Wavefield omega = 2*pi*f
target = [160, 360] # Target location
# Defining the domain
domain = Domain(N, dx)
Performing time-harmonic simulations is very similar to standard wave propagation, with the difference that the source field is a static complex field.
# Build the vector that holds the parameters of the apodization an the
# functions required to transform it into a source wavefield
src_field = jnp.zeros(N).astype(jnp.complex64)
src_field = src_field.at[64, 22].set(1.0)
src = FourierSeries(jnp.expand_dims(src_field, -1), domain) * omega
# Plotting
_ = display_complex_field(src)
# Constructing medium physical properties
sound_speed = jnp.zeros(N)
sound_speed = sound_speed.at[20:105, 20:200].set(1.0)
sound_speed = (
* (1 - circ_mask(N, 90, [64, 180]))
* (1 - circ_mask(N, 50, [64, 22]))
* 0.5
+ 1
sound_speed = FourierSeries(jnp.expand_dims(sound_speed, -1), domain) * 1540
density = 1 # sound_speed*0 + 1.
attenuation = 0.0 # density*0
sound_speed = 1500.
medium = Medium(domain=domain, sound_speed=sound_speed, density=1000., pml_size=15)
from jwave.acoustics.time_harmonic import helmholtz, helmholtz_solver
def solve_helmholtz(medium):
return helmholtz_solver(medium, omega, src)
field = solve_helmholtz(medium)
_ = display_complex_field(field, max_intensity=2e5)
print("Runtime with GMRES")
%timeit solve_helmholtz(medium).params.block_until_ready()
Runtime with GMRES 1.84 s ± 90.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Heterogeneous density¶
density = jnp.ones(N)
density = jnp.expand_dims(density.at[:64, 170:].set(1.5), -1)
density = FourierSeries(density, domain)
medium = Medium(domain=domain, sound_speed=sound_speed, density=density, pml_size=15)
params = helmholtz.default_params(src, medium, omega=omega) # Parameters may be different due to different density type
# This is displaying the parameters of the solvers. However, if they are not passed to the solver directly, jwave will automatically using the most appropriate ones.
# If the input types/sizes are different (for example, adding density to a solver that didn't have it before), it will trigger a recompilation to dispatch a solver that is
# optimized for the new input types.
dict_keys(['pml_on_grid', 'fft_u'])
# Solve new problem
field = solve_helmholtz(medium)
_ = display_complex_field(field, max_intensity=2e5)
Heterogeneous attenuation¶
attenuation = jnp.zeros(N)
attenuation = jnp.expand_dims(attenuation.at[64:110, 125:220].set(100), -1)
medium = Medium(
# Solve new problem
field = solve_helmholtz(medium)
_ = display_complex_field(field, max_intensity=2e5)
print("Runtime with GMRES (heterog. density and attenuation)")
%timeit solve_helmholtz(medium).params.block_until_ready()
Runtime with GMRES (heterog. density and attenuation) 3.3 s ± 158 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)